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L'uragano Wilma ha colpito! Ma CTQ è risorto :-)

Autore: Marco el WM
Email: webmaster@digilander.com
Remote Name:
Date: 28/10/2005
Time: 05.12


Cari Cubisti, CTQ si è ripreso dal passaggio di Wilma :-) Il server che ospita il sito risiede infatti a Fort Lauderdale, in Florida.

Vi allego la lettera di scuse e spiegazioni, ricevuta dal Presidente di Advances.com, la compagnia che gestisce il sito:

*********Advances.Com Hosting Service Advisory October 28, 2005********** *******************************************************************

This is a notification to all Advances.Com hosting clients and agents.

HURRICANE WILMA - Advances.Com's Fort Lauderdale data center is fully back online now again under generator power. There is no damage to any servers or any data loss.

The entire South Florida peninsula was slammed hard by hurricane Wilma on Monday morning, October 24th. Over three million people are still without power, there's 8+ hour lines for gasoline, and a huge amount of damage to the electric power grid. Time estimates until full power restoration to the affected four-county area is four to eight weeks. Phone communications are seriously disrupted and impossible still for many people and companies.

Advances.Com had the serious misfortune of having the eye wall of the hurricane pass directly over our Fort Lauderdale data center. The force of this very large and very strong category 3 hurricane was extreme. A huge amount of debris, including a car smashed our generator system and damaged it severely, and our UPS systems subsequently failed within an hour after that. We have purchased a new large trailer-mounted generator system which is powering our Florida data center now and will continue to do so until normal electric power is restored.

We understand you may have serious concern about Advances.Com's ability to provide continuous hosting service. The problems we have faced this week have been overcome with a substantial amount of money, much sweat, tears and even blood. By possessing and maintaining two generator systems we now have the necessary backup power generation capability to protect ourselves and you from a repeat of the down time that has happened this week. After normal electric utility power is restored and our original generator is repaired or replaced, we will move the portable generator to a nearby secure garage for immediate stand-by use should we need it again in the future.

Please understand that the situation we have faced this week in Fort Lauderdale has been of the MOST EXTREME nature, basically a virtually worst case scenario. Our staff has done the most effective job possible under the circumstances we have faced. Damage is in the countless billions of dollars throughout the area, and the homes of many of our staff members are either moderately or severely damaged. Transportation has been extremely difficult, with no traffic lights functioning throughout the county, gasoline availability extremely scarce, and a 7:00 p.m. nightly forced curfew has exacerbated the logistical problems.

We most seriously regret the inconvenience you have experienced this week as a result of the down time. We fully understand how aggravating it has been to have no communications from Advances.Com to let you know during this time what is going on and when we would be up again. If we could have communicated directly with you, we would have definitely done so. None of our staff members have had accessible Internet service this week since the storm hit. Cell phone service has been extremely erratic. It is difficult and very expensive to plan in advance for these types of extreme circumstances. Nonetheless, we have taken another step forward now with redundant power generator capability. This is a step few other companies will ever take, and one that definitely provides an additional level of service protection for your hosting operations going forward.

Please, lets move forward together, recover from this downtime and look to the future for further success together.

Thank you,

Quinn Coleman President Advances.Com

Ultimo aggiornamento: 16-11-06